Ming wei Liu's profile


Civilization: The Way We Live Now

Curator: William A. Ewing

✦展覽期間|2024.03.16- 2024.06.30
✦展覽期間|2024.05.18- 2024.06.30
世界各地的藝術家們都在忙著記錄和詮釋人類的多重文明——它的優點與缺點、成就與挫敗。以往的任何文明都沒有如此生動、詳實的攝影紀錄。而即使沒有任何展覽有望呈現這項勞動的一小部分,它們至少也能提供吉光片羽。《文明:當代生活啟示錄》這檔展覽想要致敬的對象有二:一是數十億人類的集體努力,我們現今的生活世界由此而生;以及在我們身邊無數工作和生活著的藝術家們,幫助我們判斷:我們是誰,我們要往哪裡去。〔擷取策展人 引言│威廉‧尤因〕
All over the world photographers are busy documenting and interpreting our multifaceted civilization — its strong points and its weak, its achievements and its failures. No past civilization can boast of such a vivid, detailed pictorial record. And if no one exhibition can hope to incorporate more than a fraction of this labor, at best it can provide a glimpse. Civilization: The Way We Live Now is both a homage to the human endeavor of the billions of beings who have created our world, as well as the countless photographers who work and live around us; they help us to evaluate who we are and where we are headed.
*This exhibition has been co-produced by the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Minneapolis/New York/Paris/Lausanne, and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Korea in collaboration with the Jut Art Museum, Taipei.”




